Project Application Instructions of LOPO China Terracotta Facade Panel
Terracotta Facade Panel manufactured by LOPO China is porous structure with light weight and easy installation, it can be installed quickly, but some problem should be pay attention during design and installation. Some terracotta facade panel needs to be cut off on corners and edges during installation and it is difficult to get strait cutting.. read more →
Textured Finishes of LOPO Terracotta Facade Panel
Textured finishes are being increasingly exploited as a design feature in contemporary architecture. In addition to expressive glazed finishes, LOPO Terracotta Panels can remain quite natural, or be ground or polished based on the individual project requirement. A unique visual effect can be achieved with LOPO textures by profiled grooves on the terracotta panels. This works.. read more →
Why Choose Terracotta Facade Panel for Exterior Wall?
Have you ever wondered why some buildings are clad with terracotta instead of more conventionally used materials? It is not just residential buildings that are given terracotta facade panel for exterior wall decoration; many commercial buildings also feature this unusual material. It is one of the most ancient building materials known to man but it.. read more →
LOPO Terracotta Floor Heating System Gets 12 Patents
LOPO China is awarded 12 new patents of terracotta floor heating system recently by State Intellectual Property Office of The P.R.C. The patents are including 1 patent for invention, 1 patent for design and 10 patents for utility model. LOPO has unconventionally combined the terracotta floor tile with heating system to create a brand new.. read more →
The Classification of Lopo China Terracotta Facade Panel
Most of clients from LOPO China knows that the top manufacturer for wall panel and have the normally challenge about what is the classification from the wall panel. Frankly speaking, the kinds with the Terracotta Wall Panel can be mainly divided into two kinds that are interior panel and exterior cladding panels. The interior.. read more →
Highly Appreciate for Your Visiting Our Booth on Nov 17-20, 2014
Dear Friends, We would like to thank you all for taking your time to visit our booth during 2014 BIG 5 in Dubai. It was a pleasure to meet you personally, giving us the great opportunity to share and exchange our thoughts and experiences with you all. We show out hottest products Terracotta Panels &.. read more →
Introduction About LOPO Wood-Grain Series Terracotta Panels
Since its inception, Terracotta Panel has become the buildings’ exterior wall cladding material loved by a great number of architects, by means of its environment-friendliness and strong sense of design. In order to realize designers’ unconstrained, bold and creative concept and promote terracotta panels to be flexibly and creatively applied in the construction industry, terracotta.. read more →
Terracotta Panel Market in The Middle East
Since 2000, the real estate market in the Middle East has been flourishing, supported by the comprehensive factors including high oil price, liquidity surplus and the increase of per capita disposable income. After falling into stagnation under the impact of financial crisis in 2008, the real estate market in the Middle East (especlally the most.. read more →
The Beauty of Architectural Art
An intelligential architecture needs to combine natural landscape and art. Otherwise, even if the appearance is grand, it is only a cold architecture. Elegant, simple, unsophisticated and novel terracotta panel reveals the art in the architecture in realistic way to fill it with artistic sense and anima. The sharp metal plate and cold stone can.. read more →
Test Report and Certificate of LOPO China
Test Report of Terracotta facad Panel(500x900x18mm) Test Report of Terracotta facad Panel(500x900x18mm) Technical Specification of Terracotta Panel .. read more →